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The History curriculum offer follows the national curriculum in KS1 and KS2 and the EYFS Statutory Framework and Development Matters in the early years. The History curriculum is ambitious and designed to give all learners, particularly the most disadvantaged and those with special educational needs, the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life. Where required, pedagogy is adapted so that all pupils including disadvantaged pupils and those with SEND are on the same knowledge journey towards the same endpoints.

Our curriculum is carefully weighted with equal priority given to both substantive knowledge (people, dates and events) and disciplinary knowledge (how historians work and come to their conclusions). Clearly defined substantive knowledge end points are identified at the end at the end of the unit and disciplinary knowledge end points at the end of each key stage. Components (building blocks) are carefully sequenced so that new knowledge builds on what has been previously taught and leads to the end points.

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Key concepts such as ’empire’, ‘legacy’, ‘religion’ and ‘settlement’ are covered and repeated throughout the curriculum. Vocabulary is also taught explicitly in every lesson. Key words and concepts are mapped out in the VOCUS document. There are also opportunities for developing reading in History.

In early years and KS1 plans are written following the end points and key concepts. This leads into the Pearsons’ curriculum which is taught in KS2. This is enhanced with an artefact starter and a disciplinary task so children have opportunity to practise the key history disciplinary concepts e.g. historical significance, similarities and differences and change and continuity.

Review and retrieval is a key part of every lesson. Quick quizzes and knowledge organisers are used to support this.

Our inclusive, diverse curriculum is supported through additional extra-curricular focuses on events such as Remembrance Day and Black History Month.

National Curriculum

History National Curriculum Programme of Study

Yearly Overview 


Links between National Curriculum and Early Years

REMAT EYFS and National Curriculum Progression Links

For further information on our curriculum intent, implementation and impact, please see our curriculum page.

See below for examples of the History curriculum at Croxteth:

Autumn Term 

Nursery: All About Me

Children will:

  • Know vocabulary related to time e.g.  when I was a baby, now I am older
  • Know past events from their life such as when they were a baby


Reception: Guy Fawkes

In Autumn term, children will:

  • Know how to order some events chronologically- including things that happened before they were born.
  • Know about figures and stories and events from the past e.g. Guy Fawkes, Titanic, Remembrance Day
  • Know and use further vocabulary related to time  e.g.  when I was 3 years old, when my mum was a child, before I was born, 100 years ago, last week, last year.


Year 1: Queen Elizabeth II (Changes within Living Memory)

In this topic, children will:

  • Know that there are different stages in a human life
  • Know that Queen Elizabeth II is the reigning monarch of Britain and The Commonwealth.
  • Know some key events in Queen Elizabeth II’s life

Year 2: Queen Elizabeth I and Queen Victoria (Significant Events beyond Living Memory)

In this topic, children will:

  • Know what happened when the Spanish Armada invaded England and why it was important
  • Know how Queen Elizabeth’s and Queen Victoria’s reign are similar/different.
  • Know some changes positive and/or negative that happen in the Victorian Era (Industrial Revolution)

Year 3: Prehistoric Britain

In this topic, children will :

  • Know the significance of metal within the Bronze Age
  • Know at least one era from the Stone Age
  • Know how houses developed over time in Prehistoric Britain
  • Name a Stone Age site that is still evident in Britain today

Year 4: Roman Empire and the Impact on Britain

In this topic, children will:

  • Know who the Romans were and the extent of their empire
  • Know why the Roman army was so successful in battle
  • Give examples of how the Roman legacy is evident in Britain today
  • Give one reason why the Roman Empire eventually fell

Year 5: Benin Kingdom (Non-European History)

In this topic, children will:

  • Know the role of the Oba in the Benin Kingdom
  • Know the religious beliefs of the Benin people
  • Know what the Transatlantic Slave Trade was
  • Give examples of cultural artefacts from the Benin Kingdom

Year 6: Industrial Revolution

In this topic, children will:

  • Know population and settlement changes during the Industrial Revolution
  • Give examples of how new inventions changed the lives of British people in the Industrial Revolution
  • Know the impact that sanitation, housing and pollution had on health during the Industrial Revolution
  • Know key changes in Liverpool before and after the Industrial Revolution.

Spring Term


Nursery – Celebrations

In Nursery, children have learnt about historical celebrations such as Diwali, Hanukkah, Christmas and Bonfire Night. The children have enjoyed immersing themselves in the history and culture, exploring new foods, stories and traditions. They especially liked Diwali and the story of Rama and Sita.

Reception- Transport

In spring term, children will:

  • Know about similarities and differences between past and present from photographs , artefacts and accounts e.g. transport, homes, schools.
  • Talk about items from the past and compare them to the present.


Year 1 – The Great Fire of London

In this topic, children will:

  • Know basic facts about the ‘great fire of London’ e.g. date, location
  • Know how lessons learnt from the ‘great fire’ helped to design an improved London
  • Know who Samuel Pepys and Sir Christopher Wren were and why they are significant

Year 2 – Neil Armstrong and Amelia Earhart 

In this topic, children will:

  • Know about Amelia Earhart’s achievements and why they are significant
  • Know about Neil Armstrong’s achievements and why they are significant
  • Know how sources have contributed to our understanding of the moon landing of 1969

Year 3 – The Shang Dynasty

In this topic, children will:

  • Know what a dynasty is and who the Shang people were
  • Know what items buried with Shang people reveal about their life
  • Know the importance of writing in Shang life
  • Know how we know about life in the Shang Dynasty

Year 4 – Anglo Saxons

In this topic, children will:

  • Know who the Anglo-Saxons are and the reason they came to Britain was because the Romans vacated.
  • Give examples of the jobs done on Anglo-Saxon farms
  • Know why the Anglo-Saxon era was called the Dark Ages
  • Know how the Anglo Saxons organised Britain and why.

Year 5 – Medieval Monarchs

In this topic, children will:

  • Know how the death of Edward the Confessor led to the Battle of Hastings
  • Know the significance of the Magna Carta in relation to the concept of democracy
  • Know why Edward I was a great and terrible king
  • Know key differences between a medieval monarch and a modern-day leader

Year 6 – Civil Rights

In this topic, children will:

  • Know key differences between 1950’s America for white/black people
  • Know what Jim Crow laws & etiquette were
  • Know what is meant by ‘non-violent civil disobedience’ and give an example.
  • Know what caused the Black Lives Matter movement and why it is important


Summer Term 



They have been exploring the history of their lives and how they have grown up and when they were younger they were babies.


Reception- Toys

In summer term, pupils will:

  • Know and use further vocabulary related to time.
  • Know about similarities and differences between past and present from photographs, artefacts and accounts e.g. transport, homes, schools.
  • Know how to order some events chronologically, including things that happened before they were born.
  • Know about figures and stories and events from the past. 


Year 1- Florence Nightingale

In this topic, children will:

  • Know the impact of Florence Nightingale’s work on nurses & hospitals in the 19th century
  • Know how Florence Nightingale’s ideas are still important today
  • Compare and contrast Florence Nightingale and modern-day nurses.

Year 2- Local History Liverpool

In this topic, children will:

  • Know how Liverpool has changed over time
  • Know ways that the Albert Dock changed over time
  • Know factors relating to the achievements and legacy of The Beatles and/or John Lennon

Year 3-Ancient Greece

In this topic, children will:

  • Know what an Ancient Greek city-state was and know its main features
  • Know the term ‘democracy’
  • Know why Alexander The Great is regarded by historians as a great leader
  • Give examples that show the influence of Ancient Greek culture on our lives today


Year 4- Vikings

In this topic, children will:

  • Know who the Vikings were and how they attacked Lindisfarne.
  • Know about Danegold and whether it helped to keep the peace
  • Know the differences between Viking and Anglo Saxon beliefs
  • Know what Guthrum’s actions tell us about his aims as a leader


Year 5- British Civil Rights

In this topic, children will:

  • Know the terms ‘civil rights’ and ‘discrimination’
  • Give examples of groups who faced discrimination in 20th century Britain
  • Know the difference between a strike, a boycott and a protest
  • Give an example that shows how a strike, boycott or protest was used to influence change

Year 6- Twentieth Century Conflict

In this topic, children will:

  • Know the events which caused the beginning of WW1
  • Know the impact of the Treaty of Versailles
  • Know the term appeasement and its impact
  • Know some of the main ideas of  Hitler’s Nazi Party