Design Technology
Design and Technology
The Design and Technology curriculum offer follows the national curriculum in KS1 and KS2 and the EYFS Statutory Framework and Development Matters in the early years. The Design and Technology curriculum is ambitious and designed to give all learners, particularly the most disadvantaged and those with special educational needs, the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life. Where required, pedagogy is adapted so that all pupils including disadvantaged pupils and those with SEND are on the same knowledge journey towards the same endpoints.
We have built our own scheme of work which builds in complexity so that pupils can build their skills and knowledge. Knowledge and skills are constantly revisited and refreshed to ensure that they become embedded. To aid understanding, subject specific vocabulary is taught explicitly within every lesson. We have created end points for each topic and milestones for the end of each year to show what pupils should know and can do.
We have selected designers, architects and chefs to study, male and female, who share the context of the pupils. To build pupils’ cultural capital, they also study the work of designers who are nationally important.
See below the Design and Technology curriculum overview for KS1 and KS2
Design & Technology - Design Technology
For further information on our curriculum intent, implementation and impact, please see our curriculum page.
Autumn Term
In this topic, the children explore how to join different materials using a range of materials.
In this topic, children will:
- suggest own ideas and decide which materials to use to express them.
- know why tools need to be used safely and how to transport and store them.
- know vocabulary associated with textures of food e.g. lumpy, smooth, crunchy.
- know changes that happen to food when it is exposed to hot and cold temperatures.
- know how to use, transport and store tools safely e.g. knives and forks and demonstrates this.
Year 1: Preparing fruit and vegetables
In this topic, the children will:
- know simple preparation techniques e.g. bridge and claw grip to cut and demonstrate them in their work.
- know where a range of fruit and vegetables come from e.g. farmed or grown at home.
- know that fruit is part of a healthy diet.
- know ways to work hygienically when preparing food.
Year 2: Wheels and Axles
In this topic, children will:
- know the terms wheel, axle and axle holder.
- know the purpose of a wheel, axle and axle holder and demonstrate how these are used.
- know the difference between fixed and freely moving axles.
Year 3: Healthy and Varied Diet
In this topic, children will:
- know how to use a range of techniques such as chopping (claw & bridge) peeling, grating and spreading
- know that food can be grown, reared, caught and processed
- know where the ingredients come from (e.g. ham from a pig)
Year 4: Shell Structures
In this topic, children will:
- know what a shell structure is.
- know what a net is and use knowledge of nets of cubes and cuboids and, where appropriate, more complex 3D shapes.
- know how to construct strong, stiff shell structures.
Year 5:Celebrating Culture and Seasonality
In this topic, children will:
- know how to use and select appropriate equipment and utensils to prepare and combine food.
- know how to follow a recipe and measure ingredients to make bread
- know the origins of the ingredients needed e.g. flour
- know the term seasonality and demonstrate through their ingredient choices.
Year 6: Combining Different Fabric Shapes
In this topic, children will:
- know how a 3-D textile product can be made from a combination of accurately made pattern pieces, fabric shapes and different fabrics.
- know how fabrics can be strengthened, stiffened and reinforced.
- know how to use blanket stitch and back stitch.
Spring Term
In this topic, children learn how to use tools safely
In this topic, children will:
- name materials such as cardboard boxes, wall paper, cardboard, sequins, paper, tissue paper
- know different techniques for joining materials and use them in their work e.g. adhesive tape, different types of glue.
- know how to use a range of tools with increasing care and precision e.g. scissors, hole punches, glue sticks, sellotape.
- know why tools need to be used safely and how to transport and store them.
Year 1: Sliders and Levers
In this topic, children will:
- know the purpose of a slider and a lever and demonstrate how one is constructed.
- know how different mechanisms produce different types of movement by explaining how a slider and a lever move.
Year 2: Preparing fruit and vegetables
In this topic, children will:
- know and select appropriate simple preparation techniques e.g. claw and bridge grip to cut and peeling
- know that fruit and vegetables can be farmed or grown at home.
- know that fruit and vegetables are part of a healthy diet.
- know that everyone should eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables every day.
- know what a varied diet is.
Year 3: 2D to 3D Products
In this topic, children will:
- know how to securely join two pieces of fabric together.
- know what a seam allowance is.
- know how to do running stitch and whip stitch.
- know the need for patterns and seam allowances.
- know what a pattern piece is and use them in the making of the final product.
- know different ways to fasten e.g. button and button hole, velcro and zip
Year 4: Healthy and Varied Diet
In this topic, children will:
- know how to use a range of techniques such as chopping (claw & bridge) peeling, grating and spreading.
- Use sharp knives.
- know that to be active and healthy, food and drink are needed to provide energy for the body
- know that a healthy diet is made up from a variety and balance of different food and drink, as depicted in ‘The Eat well plate’
- know that food can be grown, reared, caught and processed.
- know where the ingredients come from (e.g. cheese from dairy)
Year 5: Frame Structures
In this topic, children will:
- know how to strengthen, stiffen and reinforce 3-D frameworks.
- know how to use a junior hack saw, g clamp and bench hook to accurately cut wood.
- know how to join 2 pieces of wood e.g. with wood glue, PVA glue, glue gun, hammers and nails
- know how triangulation strengthens structures
Year 6: Gears and Pulleys
In this topic, children will:
- know what an input, process and output is.
- know that mechanical systems have an input, process and an output.
- know what a gear and pulley is and demonstrate their use in their design
- know how gears and pulleys can be used to speed up, slow down or change the direction of movement.
Summer Term
In this topic, children will:
learn how to use a mallet during woodland learning sessions
Year 1: Freestanding Structures
In this topic, children will:
- know what a structure is.
- know how to make structures stronger, stiffer and more stable and demonstrate this in their work.
- know how to join materials purposefully using a variety of temporary methods e.g. masking tape, glue, sellotape, staples
Year 2: Templates and Joining
In this topic, children will:
- know how simple 3-D textile products are made.
- know what a template is and use templates to create two identical shapes.
- know how to join fabrics using different techniques e.g. running stitch, glue and stapling and demonstrate this.
- know how to do running stitch
- know different finishing techniques that can be used e.g. using painting, fabric crayons, stitching, sequins, buttons and ribbons and demonstrate in their work.
Year 3: Levers and Linkages
In this topic, children will:
- know the purpose of a lever and a linkage and demonstrate how they are used to create movement in their design
- know the difference between fixed and loose pivots.
Year 4: Simple Circuits and Switches
In this topic, children will:
- know how electrical systems are used in their products.
- know what a series circuit is and demonstrate how to make a successful circuit
- know the press to make the switch, press to break switch, toggle switch.
- know what a buzzer is.
- know what a bulb is.
Year 5: More Complex Switches
In this topic, children will:
- know how to program, monitor and control a product through computing.
- know how to draw an electrical circuit.
- know how to draw a circuit diagram.
- know how environment change can be an input
Year 6: Celebrating Culture and Seasonality
In this topic, children will:
- know how to use and select appropriate equipment and utensils to prepare and combine food (blenders)
- know how to research the origins of the ingredients needed.
- know how to adapt a recipe and measure ingredients to make soup.