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PSHE and RSE Curriculum

At Croxteth Primary school, the intent of the PSCHEe curriculum is to develop skills and attributes such as resilience, self-esteem, risk-management, team-working and critical thinking in the context of five core themes: families and people who care for me, caring friendships, respectful relationships, online relationships and being safe. Integrated into these five strands is a focus on preparing children for life in the wider community in modern Britain. We also have a focus on ensuring that children grow into positive relationships with a healthy understanding of their own body and their choices.

For further information around our PSCHE offer, please click here.

We have a rigorous and in depth PSHE curriculum that is further strengthened by the following. Please click on the links provided for further information. For further information regarding our PSCHE curriculum, please click here. 

  • Parent meetings and workshops around RSE alongside staff training in order to develop confidence when delivering sessions. For our RSE Parent Workshop, please click here.
  • The delivery of RSE sessions (including raising awareness around sexual harrassment). To view our RSE policy, click here.
  • Frequent PANTs sessions to further embed the understanding of consent and privacy. To find out more information about PANTs, please click here.
  • Awareness Days are celebrated to raise the profile of a diverse range of events throughout the school year. For an overview of the Awareness Events that we celebrate, click here. 
  • Safeguarding links are embedded through curriculum. To see where links are made, click here.
  • We engage in Well-being Weeks and days in which we look at the five ways to Well-being, celebrating the importance of good mental health and well-being.
  • We use the No Outsiders curriculum to further strengthen our rich PSCHE curriculum. For further information regarding the No Outsiders curriculum, please click here.
  • We regularly have NSPCC visits to provide children with opportunities to learn about additional help available to them, in addition to keeping themselves safe. To find out more about the NSPCC Speak Out Stay Safe programme, click here.
  • We invite Bullybusters in to school to visit annually to discuss with all children about what bullying is, the impact of bullying and the next steps if they see it happening in school. They also work directly with our Year 5 and 6 children in focus groups to further develop their understanding. For more information about Bullybusters, please click here.
  • We utilise Rock Kidz events to provide our children with a way to learn life lessons through the art of music. The sessions focus on: self-esteem and well-being; anti-bullying and relationships; perseverance, resilience, dreams and aspirations and respect, racism and culture. For further information about the work Rock Kidz do, please click here. 
  • We ensure that staff are confident on identifying and supporting cases of child on child abuse through clear staff training. To see one of many staff training sessions, click here. 
  • We have woven in opportunities to discuss and prevent child on child abuse in our PSCHE curriculum. For further information, click here.
  • We are lucky to have access to our own Forest School and use this to support our children’s welfare, emotional regulation and friendship skills, amongst other skills.
  • We have re-written our school’s Equality Policies and Objectives. To see this, please click here.
  • We remain acutely aware and vigilant towards our local safeguarding concerns, providing staff training in identifying signs of concern and the methods to support our children and families. We also provide children with an age appropriate safeguarding session, focusing on local safeguarding concerns.
  • We relentlessly promote Healthy Eating and living through school, focusing on keeping Physically Healthy.
  • We have a clear Anti-Bullying Poster that children know and use to help them understand bullying and prevent it.