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We recognise the importance of enrichment for our children; it provides them with a rounded, culturally rich education. Rainbow Citizens are given opportunities to try new and varied activities that enhance their learning, developing character, resilience and motivation, encouraging them to pursue wider goals. We teach life skills that benefit children beyond the classroom, developing an appreciation for cultural and community issues, teamwork and social responsibility.

This is embedded in a variety of different ways.

  • We have Expert PE and Music Teachers who deliver sessions across school, providing children with further high quality learning experiences.
  • Each class supports our local community. This might be through Litter Picking, developing links with local parks or even visiting the local Elderly Home.
  • Each class has a class charity that they are responsible for supporting across the year. Classes look at ways in which they can raise money for these charities in imaginative and supportive ways.
  • Children are able to make use of our Forest School area in specific sessions, Lunch-time clubs or After School Clubs to help develop character, resilience and build strong social skills.
  • Each year, representative pupils visit Parliament and are given the opportunity to speak with MPs and watch debating first hand.
  • Our children benefit from sessions led by the NSPCC and Bully Busters on a yearly basis, with workshops for Year 5 and Year 6 included.

In addition, we support our parents/carers to understand the importance of enriching their child’s lives and different ways in which they can do this via:

    • Our Homework projects provide children with opportunities to extend their learning further in exciting and engaging ways.
    • Each year group has a Rainbow Passport that families are encouraged to complete across the year. In addition, we also have Rainbow Passport afternoons that enables children to tick off some of the activities on their passport.
    • We run Parent Workshops and send home top tips.