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Pastoral Support

At Croxteth Primary,  we recognise the importance of pastoral support, the provision that a school makes to ensure the physical and emotional welfare of the pupils. We understand that it is the essential foundation upon which learning can take place. We are an attachment and trauma informed school and base our approaches to all pupils on an individual basis, ensuring that we meet the needs of each and every child.

Click on our Family Support page for more information:

In order to ensure this, we have:

  • A Team around the Child Approach in which different staff members work closely together to ensure appropriate support is put in place.

This includes:

  • A Family Engagement Support Officer who works closely with our families to ensure they are supported at all levels.
  • A Child Welfare Support Officer who works closely with our children, delivering interventions and check-ins to ensure that children are supported and are provided with strategies and methods to support themselves.

In addition, we have:

  • Trust Developed Interventions led by the CWSO that are personalised to support individual pupils (group/1:1).
  • Therapy to support pupils developing friendships and communication skills.
  • Sensory circuits to provide children with sensory stimulus, enabling them to learn in class effectively.
  • Zones of Regulation to support our pupils in their own self-regulation. For further information around Zones of Regulation, please click here. 
  • A Behaviour Policy that focuses on positive behaviour strategies. To find out more about our Behaviour Policies, click here.
  • A Lunch-time club to reduce sensory overload and provide structured friendship opportunities.
  • Gym equipment available to enable our children to remain physically healthy.
  • A Mental Health School’s Team who work together to ensure that the mental health and well-being of our community (children, parents/carers and staff) is of a high priority and is supported. To see our Mental Health and Well-being Policy, please click here.
  • A Positive Start Club to ensure that children begin school positively and ready to learn.
  • Mindfulness sessions to ensure children take brain breaks and pause, reflecting on the moment and regulating themselves.
  • Rainbow Flag Award, we are currently working to gain more sections of the award. We ensure children learn about Protected Characteristics and understand how everyone is unique and special.
  • Well-being Workers who work alongside our CWSO to further develop well-being and mental and physical health across school.
    • Celebration Days/Weeks across the school highlighting the importance of Mental Health and Well-being, in addition to celebrating differences and similarities. For an overview of the Awareness Events that we celebrate, click here. 
  • We have been recognised for the outstanding pastoral care we provide all pupils, supporting the children in their understanding of their own feelings and emotions, and have been awarded with  the Silver Level Attachment and Trauma Award. We are currently applying for the Gold Level.