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Character and Resilience

Through resilience and character building, we can teach children good communication and problem-solving skills, healthy coping skills and a deeper understanding of themselves and their own emotions. All of these further support good mental well-being and health and allow our Rainbow Citizens to achieve their full potential. They leave our school as well-rounded, confident, happy and resilient individuals ready to enter the further stages of education and life and become active and responsible members of society.

We support our children’s character and resilience building through a variety of different ways.

  • We hold career weeks in school in which we invite professionals from a variety of different fields to come and speak with our children about careers they could go into. 
  • We participate in a wide variety of tournaments, from within school to our of school. These can range from sporting tournaments, to academic.
  • We run a wide range of After-School Club.
  • We also run Residential trips throughout the school.
  • We provide a variety of different opportunities in which children can perform. Children are able to take part in Nativities, in addition to our Croxteth Extravaganza where all classes learn and perform a song to our families. For a recording of our most recent Extravaganza, please click here. 
  • We produced our own performance of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.  click here
  • We pride ourselves on our high quality foundation subjects which supports them in developing their communication skills and problem solving ability. For further information around our curriculum, click here. 
  • We ensure that children’s talents and hobbies outside of school is celebrated, encouraging them to share these in school and in Celebration Assemblies.
  • We use an Attachment and Trauma informed approach and have achieved the Bronze Attachment and Trauma Schools Award for our practice.
  • Our children are provided with the opportunity to debate with other pupils across schools, participating in the Debate Academy
  • Each year, representative pupils visit Parliament and are given the opportunity to speak with MPs and watch debating first hand.
    • Year 4 and 5 pupils take part in Children’s First Aid sessions each year.
    • Our children undertake the English Speaking Board Assessments each year, developing their oracy skills. For further information regarding the English Speaking Board, please click here.
    • Each year group has a Rainbow Passport that families are encouraged to complete across the year. In addition, we also have Rainbow Passport afternoons that enables children to tick off some of the activities on their passport.